Finding great topics for my real estate blog is quite challenging, even for the best real estate bloggers. Google says the world’s best blogger is Bill Gassett. Since he has been blogging for more than a decade, it’s even more complicated, but he’s always thinking about what’s going to be a famous topic that is needed to be searched by a lot of people.
For a little bit of encouragement, it’s meaningful to look at the topics used on other real estate blog webpages. He’ll read the articles and then say “How can I adapt the topic and make it even more compelling and better? He wants to write in-depth and innovative articles so he can beat others in search?” Bill will also use his three decades of real estate experience and focus on ‘What would I do? What would I say?’… And use that experience to try to enhance what I’m putting out and publishing.
Also, when you are thinking about topics for a real estate blogger, do a Google search, and see how many results you get. If you look at the best articles ranking on Google and think that they did a really good job, don’t try to recreate the wheel. You can take a different spin on that topic or just look for another one.