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Personal Property


Does purchasing a foreclosed home sounds like a great idea? Over the years serving as a real estate pro, bunches of buyers have asked me about purchasing a foreclosed home. The concern is that they’ve heard foreclosures are the bargain of the century. If I am considering purchasing one, it is necessary to do my homework before making an offer on a foreclosed home and putting up my earnest money. Foreclosed homes can certainly be a great deal. They are not

personal property EXPLANATION & ITS TYPES

Much of business law deals with property. There are actually two different types of property: personal propertyand real property. The post explains about this property type and diffrerences between the two. Personal property is a class of property that can include any asset other than real estate. The distinguishing factor between personal property and real estate, or real property, is that it is movable. The property isn’t fixed permanently to one particular location. This real estate type is not taxed as the