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Consider the price of a house compared to the profit I’d make renting it out when deciding whether to rent or buy.

2021 is unfolding and most of us are returning to the pressing question of whether to rent or buy.  It’s a tantalizing opportunity to purchase a house, but are we reaching out to grab a branch on a cliff?

Thousands of millions of Americans, Canadians, Brits, and Aussies are all pondering this same question: Should I rent or buy a home this year?

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Rent or Buy a Home?

If I talk about the buyer’s market, where loan interest rates are relatively low, investing in a house sounds especially attractive. But when it comes to house buying, just because I can, it doesn’t mean I should. In a few cases, renting a house may be the more financially responsible decision.

Thinking about taking the leap into house ownership? Here are nine scenarios where it may not be wise to buy a home. It will help me more to decide whether I should go for rent or buy.

  1. When I don’t have enough savings.
  2. My plan is not to live in the home for long-term.
  3. 20% investment is fairly difficult for me.
  4. Just shifted to a new city.
  5. Have student loan or credit card debt.
  6. Me not sure about which career path to choose.
  7. Rather than mantaining home myself,I will opt for renting.
  8. I’m in sellers market.

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Good luck with your rent or buy decision. Most renters will choose to continue to rent an apartment this decade. Buying has its benefits when interest rates are that low.  And if you’ve thought it through and are confident about your selection, feel good about what you are doing. Being positive is a must for everyone.

Learn more about the Illinois current state of the rental market.